英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:26:29
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1. 做得好:活动,发展潜能,辅导组将於新学年推行[做得好(Well Done )奖励计划],同学只要在品做得好(Well Done )奖励计划 附件 (三)发展潜能,辅导组将於新学年推行[做得好(Well Done )奖励计划],

2. 全熟:加拿大的蛋虽及不上在港或日的香浓,但是其味道也算是中规中矩的,而煮法可选自炒(scramble)、全熟(well done)、太阳蛋(sunny shine up)、反蛋(over easy)及白烚(boil).

I want my lamb well done!(我要烤好我的的羊肉!)
It was well done, my boy.(你做得很好,我的孩子。)
What my brother does is well done.(我哥做的事总是好的。)
Well done, Potter.(干的好,波特。)
Oh, well done, Sherlock. Did you figure that out all by yourself?(喔,干得好,大侦探。你全是自己推断出来的吗?)
Well done, I should say.(干得好,我得说。)
He prefers his steak well done.(他喜欢吃煎得熟透的牛排。)
Thank them for a job well done.(感谢他们所做的出色工作。)
He read all of my poems and said, "Well done!" He kept helping me.(他读了我所有的诗,说:“写得好!”他一直在帮助我。)
Children at school receive coloured stars for work well done.(上学的孩子们表现好会得到彩星。)
well done是什么意思 well done在线翻译 well done什么意思 well done的意思 well done的翻译 well done的解释 well done的发音 well done的同义词